Medication Administration in Early Education & Child Care Settings


Georgia Bright from the Start (BFTS) Approved. Training offered in an online/distance learning format.



This online course is designed to educate child care providers on safe and effective practices in administering, documenting, and storing medications.

Clock Hours: 4 Hours

Competency Goals: ECE-2, ECE-6, SAC-2, SAC-6, ADM-1

Competency-based Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this training, participants will be able to:
• Identify different types of medication and explain why medication is given and how it is given.
• Recall medication storage, preparation, and administration techniques.
• Identify the forms a child care provider needs before giving medication.
• Identify policies that must be in place before receiving medication.
• Describe why information about medication should be kept confidential as ordered by federal law.
• Define the “5 rights” of medication administration.
• Identify “as needed” conditions.
• Identify universal/standard precautions.
• Identify good documentation practices of medication administration.
• Identify adverse reactions to medication.


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