Course Deferment Payment Plan

Don’t have money to pay for your training courses all at once? We offer deferred payment plan options to individuals who are unable to pay their balance in full at registration. The deferred payment plan allows you to make payments in two to five installments on selected training programs before the end of the course date. See selected training programs and payment schedules below:

  • Course: 120 Hours CDA Support Training Program
  • Delivery Format: Online/Distance Learning

If you are enrolling in our 120 Hours CDA Support Training Program, you will pay in four installments:

First Installment: $249.50 at registration

Second Installment: $249.50 the fourth week of classes


  • Course: 120 Hour CDA Comprehensive Training Program
  • Delivery Format: Online/Distance Learning

If you are enrolling in our 120 Hours CDA Comprehensive Training Program, you will pay your tuition in four installments:

First Installment: $224.75 at registration

Second Installment: $224.75 the 1st day of the second month of classes

Third Installment: $224.75 the 1st day of the third month of classes

Fourth Installment: $224.75 the 1st day of the fourth month of classes


  • Course: 120 Hours CDA Credential Training
  • Delivery Format: Classroom/Face-to-Face

If you are enrolling in Summer Session One and Summer Session Two, you will pay in four installments:

First Installment: $300 at registration

Second Installment: $300 the third week of classes

Third Installment: $300 the fifth week of classes

Fourth Installment: $300 the seventh week of classes

If you are enrolling in our Fall/Winter Session One and Fall/Winter Session, you will pay your tuition in five installments:

First Installment: $240 at registration

Second Installment: $240 the 1st day of the second month of classes

Third Installment: $240 the 1st day of the third month of classes

Fourth Installment: $240 the 1st day of the fourth month of classes

Fifth Installment: $240 the 1st day of the fifth month of classes.